Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Aquí Entre nosotras Sin Que Nadie Nos Oiga"

Aquí entre nosotras y sin que nadie nos oiga: Quiero que sepas que mis días son más brillantes y que mis pensamientos son mucho más fáciles por causa tuya.

Es por eso que ahora te envío este “sigiloso mensaje” quiero que sientas que existe alguien aquí a quien le importas, que quiere dar brillo a tu día, que quiere desearte toda la felicidad en todo los día de tu vida! Aquí entre nosotras y sin que nadie nos oiga quiero darte las gracias por escucharme en todo momento cuando más te necesitaba.

Esa sonrisa como media luna y esos ojos como dos estrellas brillantes me dijeron lo que vales como mujer, que debería depositar mi confianza en ti, por que tú eres tú, pero el día que tú te cayeras, que te apoyaras en mi hombro y nunca te sintieras abajo.

Que el día que te sientas pésima, no dejes que el humano se burle de ti, enfrenta cada error pero no culpes a los demás, por que el mundo cobra tu error tarde o temprano.

Cuando te sientas triste grita por los cuatro vientos, y acuéstate en el pasto mirando las estrellas y cada una de ellas representa algo bueno para ti, pero aquella estrella que alumbra tus ojos esa seré yo cuidando de ti, aunque no pueda hablar por ti. Pero si alumbrarte el camino.

Cuando una gota caiga en tu mejilla, cierra tus ojos, pausa la caminata y siente mi corazón; por que acaba de derramar una gota que tiene el más poderoso mensaje de un verdadero amigo. No lo ignores, no lo dejes ir. Por que jamás encontraras alguien especial en tu vida como la que has encontrado, y juntas han hecho las más entupidas cosas que significan mucho para el uno y el otro.

Y por ultimo amiga, no dejes que tu alma se marchite por algo que no vale/valió la pena deja que tu corazón florezca, y te guíe. Sigue a tu alma, alimenta tu corazón de energía, de poder, de amor y diversión…

Tu lo puedes encontrar solo ponte a meditar…

America Delgado
[dedicado a; Ana Maria B. R.)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Quiero llevar el ritmo de tu corazón

Para bailar entre los dos esta canción

Bajo la lluvia y el sol

Y cuanto tocas mi piel siento una gran ternura

Que me hace sentir el fondo de tu corazón

La verdad, me estoy volviendo a enamorar

La verdad quiero que sepas que lo que siento por ti,

Es amor ganas que me hacen útil, el corazón

Cuando estas conmigo a mi lado mi corazón

Late mil por segundo

No hay nada mejor que estar contigo

Respirando el aroma de tu cuerpo

Me hace feliz como si fueras tú mi droga, mi adicción

En este mundo tú eres mi príncipe y yo tu princesa

Sin ti no soy nada, solo seria una simple mujer con muchos deseos

Mi amor por ti es infinito hasta el cielo…
(esto es para ti mi amor, tu me inspiras)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Who wants to laugh??

23. DEAF GERMANS:A young deaf American was taking a vacation overseas. He got a Eurail pass and toured Holland, France, Belgium, and a bunch of other places before ending up in Germany. At his first village, he went into a pub and there, off in the corner, were three older German gentlemen who were signing. They appeared to be deaf. The young man watched and figured he could understand the signs enough to carry on a conversation. He got a beer and asked if they would allow him to join them, and they did. They chatted about this and that, and soon conversation gave way to how each of them became deaf. The first older German said, "Well, I was a soldier in WWII, and my platoon was hit by a big American mortar, and it exploded near my head, and I lost all my hearing." The American boy was kind of saddened by this. The second German went on:" I was in a UBoat and my job was to listen for enemy ships. An American destroyer dropped a depth bomb on my ship, and it went off very close to it, and I lost my hearing as a result." Oh no, thinks the young American. How awful. The third German held forth: "I was in a plane, and we were struck by a bomb, and it went off right next to me, and it blew out my ears, and that is how I lost my hearing." Well, that was just awful, the young American thinks. My country is indirectly responsible for these poor chaps going deaf. He was sad about this until they asked him how he became deaf. Smiling, he signed, "Well, before I was born, my mom got German measles." -- J. Brotnov

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"Deaf Coffee Night at Jazz-n-Java"

It was my first day to assist a Deaf/ Hard of hearing event. I met Jessica Villanueva outside from the cafeteria. Then, she introduced me to the group. Everyone was hearing people except one girl. They all shared their experiences and why they were interested to learn sign language; some of them have relatives and friends as Deaf or hard of hearing, others just want to learn it as a benefit and be successful in their life. It really inspired me to become more fluent on sign language, however since I came to this country I wanted to become familiar with sign language to facilitate my life and challenge a hearing world. There were three fluent signers; two of them were interpreters from Baptist University and one was a Deaf student from Baptist University, her name is Randi. She was born Deaf. Her parents don’t know a lot ASL. They communicate by writing. However Randi learned to read lips since she went to elementary school. She didn’t go to a Deaf school. She learned SEE sign language, when she was younger but it was only used as home sign, and very limited. School was harder communication but she was really a good student. She was able to teach herself a lot of stuff and work on her own. It made some things harder but overall all of it made a better student. A lot of times school was harder socially because she didn’t understand what was going on all the time. But as time went on she developed a close circle of friends and went on from there. They understood each other and then she was involved in the conversation.
I enjoyed meeting new people and know their experiences, especially from Randi; she gave me new ideas and opportunities to know how a Deaf person feels in a hearing world. It made me to feel strong, comfortable, and positive and accept myself as I am. There are not more fears to face the world, because I know I’m not alone. Now I can see, that I can do things not matter what. Now I’m looking forward to meet more Deaf/ hard of hearing people to fill my life with wonderful motivations and accept challenges.

Friday, March 19, 2010


My task: persecution of happiness, living the life to the fullest! I can be a freak sometimes, (but in the good way!) I love Music; it's the rhythm that makes my world go round! I’ve been in love and I know what it feels like to loose that one person but if it is not worth it I would not waste my time however I am very patiently to wait until fate decides to grant my desires, the world have rewarded me such amazing things. I’ve regretted nothing but I could say I have learned a rich experience in my life. My main priority is to get an education so I ca be an independent woman. I’m in love with myself, and family, couldn't ask for more. I get pissed off at negativity and two faces, I could be considered one, but I try not to, because we're all exposed to temptation. I'm eighteen for now. I have been in United States by almost five years. I am also hard of Hearing since I was six months. I have a lot of talents yet to discover, and a mission yet to start! You could say I’m just unstoppable! Never know what comes next! Well I have a great personality I am ambitious, friendly, nice, caring, comprehensive and I don’t treat people as they treat me, I treat them as I am with these qualities that describes myself so you will have an idea of who I am. I am very proud of myself because, God gave me such a great heart and a good definition to describe what life means. If you want to know more about me don’t doubt to message me. Thanks for reading!